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Best Redaction Software: learn more here

Best Redaction Software

How do we Redact? 

Historically, redacting implied editing and making ready for publications, from the black-streaked documents seen in courtroom dramas and government documents; to what has now, in the digital age, become an electronic and often Ai-driven process through a redaction tool or software. 

Where do you find this software? You can either forage through the pages of online tools- often free though usually limited- or through paid software such as Redactable or Adobe Acrobat.

What is Redaction exactly? 

Personally Identifiable Information. That is any information that comes back to you as a unique user. Why? Because these are often the keys to All data sensitive and confidential to the user. Any data that can potentially be used to harm you. Protection of this data is vital. A data redactor removes all data and meta-data that could hint at your personal information. Data redaction, however, is different from data masking. The latter is a method in which accurate data is replaced with non-authentic data to deploy a digital decoy to protect personal information. Your sample documents are often used for training and teaching purposes to reflect a simple template but not accurate, compromisable information.

The Five key points of time when data redaction is necessary:

  1. Upon Receiving Data
  2. Upon Completing Task 
  3. Before the Distribution of the Data
  4. Before Data Archiving
  5. Before Data Disposal

Program To Redact Pdf

Redaction has become so common it's required to re-evaluate the daily tasks and needs of both professional and personal users. 

It is a crucial pre-emptive step before sending out data to extinguish any chances of data theft and misuse. It is a professional benchmark for reputed organizations to protect their clients' data and establish their adherence to professional and legal data handling protocols.

As the web of hacking and data theft has spread beyond professional databases into our everyday lives, data redaction has become as vital a part of our professional protocol as our personal. 

Why? Well, think about it. Even a hospital bill contains your name, email, phone number and address. Now think of the strands and niches of personal data professional businesses and government organizations store about you: bank account numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers…the list goes on. 

Don't worry; the realization that our digital age holds a continuously expanding amount of data has ushered in a professional appreciation and necessity for redaction and data-security measures. It is an inclination realized by both users and businesses as well as government and non-profit organizations. 

Importance of Redaction

With the adoption and embrace of all aspects of the digital age, we now have our information written in ink. Prone to being copied, manipulated and distributed like never before, it has become vital to protect your data wherever it sits. 

In days past, telemarketers and spam emails were the extents, for most people, of their data being accessed without consent. However, your data sits in archives, databases, and company profiles today. It has become prudent that wherever your data sits, it is protected. Data abundance is a natural factor of digitalization; however, data-protection methods must be implemented and practised to function freely in an information age.

Can you be safe? Yes, of course. Data redaction is a necessity that has naturally sprung up in reaction to the vast amounts of data of our time. Democratic and citizen-friendly laws, such as the Right to Information, have sprung due to previous access to data. Now with the embrace of data -access for all, data protection is simply a natural measure to be taken to function in our society. 

What can you do?

Get capable and dependable software for your redaction needs. Stay barricaded against hackers by eradicating your data and sensitive data with an equally reliable tool. What is the point of wiping a stain if your cloth is dirty? That is what you are doing by using questionable software to handle your most sensitive data. Counter-intuitive, isn't it? 

So which to choose? 

Well, let's explore the general drawbacks and benefits of the tools and software out there:

Online Software: What's great?

  • Often free
  • Easy to access
  • Hands you the same redacted document as paid software.

Beware, however, like a shiny used car being exaggerated by an over-enthusiastic salesman; these Pros will often fall apart like that used 2017 Mustang you legitimately thought was being sold for $5000.

The smoking gun against the credibility of these sites and programs is their data security: often ambiguous if not incompetent: User interface, redaction limits and software capabilities are vital to assess a redaction software; but if data security itself is a question, the assessment of other features becomes moot- You cannot risk data-security when it comes to your data. Sensitive or not. Your vulnerability is the lifeblood of sketchy businesses that feast on incomplete data slips and build a business around them.

Think about all the spam and scam phone calls you get already…do you recall ever distributing your phone number to these companies or individuals? Neither do millions of others. Trusted software should be your first criterion in choosing a redaction software.  


What's great: 

  • Ease of Access 
  • Trusted 
  • Gives you exactly what you want. Standard.

Adobe checks all the boxes of what you would want from a data-redaction tool: trust, the ability to redact your pdf and minimum headache in access, as it is present in the toolbar in Acrobat.

The problem? It has not alleviated the headache and time consumption of stringing together sensitive, criterion-based data i.e. does not provide one clean sweep, which is what you'd expect with the glaringly significant strides in the artificial intelligence sector.

Adobe's Redact tool connotes a sense of redundancy and mundaneness but also naivety in failing to recognize the true nature and amounts of data being funneled through to back-office professionals - a factor one would have hoped giants like Adobe would recognize and appreciate. However, they have yet to do anything to alleviate the headaches and understand the finer qualms of this process, leaving professionals in the dark in a niche that is too minute to be recognized or addressed. 

What is Redactable?

Being in the trenches as a former loan consultant, however, Redactable founder Amanda Levay has first-hand experience dealing with the inabilities of previous redaction methods: "As a former loan consultant, I would get tons of confidential documents sent to me for due diligence packages. I constantly managed documents such as client tax returns, social security numbers, account information, appraisals, and inspection reports. I soon found out that drawing boxes over sensitive data didn't work. Convinced there was a better way to redact documents, thus i started Redactable." 

What Redactable Offers:

"We scrub every layer of data from your pdf document."

Total and complete redaction in a swift and secure manner: 

Redactable takes away the headache and insecurity of redaction processes of the past, employing software capable of handling mass data while highlighting sensitive data even in subtle contexts. Redactable ushers in the 2nd generation of Ai-driven redaction software by evolving past Patterned data and manual search-and-selection; Redactable introduces one-click redaction for all your pdf documents. 

Years of in-house research on sentiment analysis have allowed us to pick out data beyond the absolute vectors of Patterns; We immerse in the grey area and highlight sensitive data that would otherwise have to have been manually searched or ignored due to the inabilities of previous software in recognizing subtleties in language, essentially providing a partially redacted document with potential for data leaks.

One-click, and you're done. Tuck away redaction and focus your time and money where it should matter!

Redactable champions Permeance, Capability and transparent service. 

Redactable- The nitty-gritty:

  • Redactable employs years of research in Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, Sentiment Analysis and Optical Character Recognition(OCR) to provide a seamless user experience requiring minimum effort without compromising data security or accuracy. 
  • Our Redaction Wizard provides One-click redaction for multi-page documents with an average user time of two and a half minutes for a 10-page document.
  • Being cloud-based, our software denies any virus introduction to your system. Enterprise package available for customers that wish to buy the software for their cloud, ensuring air-tight security measures. 
  • Permeance. We delete all traces of your sensitive data, meta-data and hidden elements. Simple as that.

Redaction Wizard

  • Start to finish guidance on the four steps to redact your document completely.


  • Projects
  • Folders
  • Stats
  • Tags
  • Version Control


  • Redaction Logs
  • Comments
  • Tasks
  • Colleagues

Redaction Certificates:

  • Keep a log of all redactions done along with who did them and a time-stamp of when to provide streamlined management and accountability.

24/7 Chat Support:

  • Redactable offers 24/7 chat support, furnishing and aiding the user experience and adding a nice human touch in a space that can seem automated and impersonal. And yes, we do reply in minutes with an actual staff member ready to answer your queries:

Regulatory Compliance

Redactable offers 24/7 chat support, furnishing and aiding the user experience and adding a nice human touch in a space that can seem automated and impersonal.

Who is Redactable for?

Everyone. Redactable recognizes redaction, and data-security protocols have trickled down beyond the court-rooms and official government offices to the everyday web user. 

As personal information has spilt beyond government forms and essential personal paperwork to being present on something as simple as a hospital bill, the demand and necessity for sensitive data to be protected wherever present has become pivotal. 

Having been on the user's end of the trials and tribulations of redaction, our team has leaned into the problem and developed software with all incapabilities and annoyances in mind to smoothen the process for all.

And we proudly share our accolades and praises

"By delivering secure redaction, metadata removal, and collaboration tools, Redactable is the gold standard in redaction software."

"Redactable is a reliable solution that companies can be confident using. Rather than masked redactions that can be hacked or removed, the platform provides permanent redaction…Redactable, you can feel safe and confident because the system redacts sensitive information permanently." 



Crunch-base profile:  

Redactable, CEO & Founder: Amanda Levay founded in 2018 

Address: 447 Broadway, 2nd FL New York, New York 10013 

Ready to get started?

Try Redactable for free and find out why we're the gold standard for redaction
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