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How to Protect Your Confidential Data by Redaction on PDF?

redaction on pdf

If you work with sensitive information, it is definite that you worry about its security. Let's discuss this issue and find an easy solution for this.

We're here to talk about redaction on PDF, which is a fancy way of saying "hiding stuff you don't want people to see from your PDF documents." It's a great tool to use to protect your data from prying eyes.

In this blog, we'll take you through the ins and outs of PDF redaction. We'll cover everything from the different ways to redact information to the tools you can use and even some best practices to follow. Whether you're a lawyer, doctor, or someone who values their privacy, we've got you covered.

So, let's dive into the world of PDF redaction together and learn how to keep your sensitive information safe and secure!

What is PDF Redaction? 

PDF redaction is a way to selectively remove or hide sensitive information from your PDF documents, ensuring your confidential data stays safe and secure. It's like putting a black bar over someone's eyes in a photo, except for text or images in a PDF document.

Why is it important? Well, imagine you're a lawyer and need to file a legal document with the court. The document contains sensitive information about your client you don't want the public to see. 

There are multiple tools that you can use for this purpose. Regardless of the tool used, it's important to double-check the redaction before sharing the document. 

By redacting that information, you can ensure that only the necessary information is shared without compromising your client's privacy. There are a few different ways of information redaction on PDF documents.

But be careful; if you don't properly redact the information, it can still be accessed by someone with the right tools or skills. That's why it's essential to follow best practices when redacting, such as double-checking your work and saving a copy of the original document.

Why Do You Need to Do Redaction on PDF?

  • Protecting confidential information: One of the primary reasons for PDF redaction is to protect personal information from being accessed by unauthorized parties. By redacting sensitive information, you can ensure that only those with proper clearance can access the data.
  • Legal compliance: Certain industries, including healthcare and finance, have strict regulations requiring sensitive data protection. PDF redaction helps companies comply with these regulations and avoid hefty fines or legal consequences.
  • Maintaining privacy: Sometimes, individuals or organizations may need to redact information, like social security numbers or addresses, to protect privacy. Redacting this information can prevent identity theft and other forms of fraud.
  • Protecting trade secrets: Companies may need to redact information related to their intellectual property or trade secrets to prevent competitors from accessing valuable information.
  • Protecting national security: Government agencies often use PDF redaction to safeguard sensitive information related to national security, such as classified information or information related to ongoing investigations.
  • Protecting personal information: PDF redaction can be used to protect personal information, such as medical records or financial information, from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • Ensuring data accuracy: Redaction can help ensure data is accurate and up-to-date by removing outdated or incorrect information from documents.
  • Protecting reputation: In some instances, individuals or organizations may need to redact information that could damage their reputation or lead to negative publicity.
  • Protecting from litigation: Redaction can also protect organizations from legal action by removing sensitive information that could be used against them in court.
  • Preserving historical records: In some cases, redaction on PDF documents may be necessary to maintain historical records by removing sensitive or offensive content that is no longer appropriate for public viewing.

The Information that Needs to be Redacted

  1. Personally identifiable information: It includes things like social security numbers, driver's license numbers, credit card information, and bank account numbers. PII is sensitive information that can be used for identity theft, fraud, or other criminal activities and should never be shared without proper clearance.
  2. Financial information: This could include revenue or profit margins, as well as strategic plans, trade secrets, and intellectual property. This information can be valuable to competitors or hackers and could cause significant harm to a company.
  3. Personal health information: In the healthcare industry, PHI is subject to strict regulations under HIPAA. This information should be redacted to protect patient privacy and prevent healthcare fraud. Examples of PHI that should be redacted include medical diagnoses, treatment plans, and prescription information.
  4. Legal information: Attorneys often need to redact sensitive information from legal documents to protect client confidentiality. This could include information related to ongoing investigations and personal information about clients or witnesses.
  5. Employee records: These contain sensitive information such as salaries, performance reviews, and disciplinary action. This information should be redacted to protect employee privacy and prevent discrimination.
  6. Customer data: Customer data, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers, should be redacted to protect customer privacy and prevent identity theft.
  7. Proprietary information: Any proprietary information, such as product designs, marketing plans, or customer lists, should be redacted to protect the company's intellectual property.
  8. Classified information: In the government sector, classified information should be redacted to protect national security. This could include information related to ongoing investigations and sensitive information about military operations.
  9. Offensive or inappropriate content: In some cases, PDF redaction may be necessary to remove objectionable or inappropriate content that is no longer appropriate for public viewing.

Using Redaction Tools

PDFs have become a popular file format for sharing documents, but they can also contain sensitive information that needs to be protected. Fortunately, many tools allow you redaction on PDF, ensuring that confidential information stays safe and secure. 

Let us have a look at some popular redaction tools.


Use Redactable to quickly and easily redact sensitive information from your documents. Using the power of artificial intelligence, this web-based program can automatically detect and mask sensitive materials within your documents. 

Redactable also offers a variety of customization options to suit your specific needs. You can redact only certain sections of a PDF file, target specific keywords, or create blocklists of sensitive words.

Starting at $39/month, Redactable offers two plans - Pro (up to 40 pages redacted) and Pro Plus (up to 150 pages redacted). The Enterprise plan offers customized pricing based on user and page requirements.

Adobe Acrobat Professional 

Adobe Acrobat Pro has a powerful redaction feature that can easily remove sensitive text, images, and other confidential information from your files.

But that's not all - the Remove Hidden Information feature is like a ninja that can uncover any hidden sensitive or private information lurking in your PDF files and remove it for good. It's a great way to ensure you're not accidentally sharing confidential information with the wrong people. Use Adobe Acrobat Pro to edit your PDF effectively

Objective Redact

Check out Objective Redact - a powerful and cost-effective redaction tool that can quickly and permanently block any sensitive information from electronic documents. 

It works with various file types, from emails and Excel sheets to images and PDFs. It can irreversibly remove all traces of selected information, including metadata, hidden code, authorship, and more.

You can even review a document with relevant people before finalizing the redaction process, giving you added peace of mind that your sensitive information is safe and secure. 

Try Objective Redact today and experience its power for yourself!

Oracle Data Redaction

Oracle Data Redaction is a robust tool that offers real-time obfuscation of sensitive data. This tool is part of the Advanced Security Suite component of Oracle, and it enables users to mask data based on specific application queries. 

 Oracle Data Redaction is a flexible tool that allows full, partial, or random redaction of sensitive information, and it can perform data pattern searches based on regular expressions like email addresses. It is particularly suitable for applications where data frequently changes.

Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro is a powerful tool for Windows that offers a wide range of features for creating, editing, and converting PDF files. Its redaction feature is just as impressive, allowing users to easily remove sensitive information from their documents.

Nitro Pro offers cloud-based collaboration options for PDF documents. The tool offers advanced redaction features, including password protection and encryption, making it a reliable choice for secure document management. However, it has limited OCR capabilities and is unavailable for Mac users. You can check the pricing in detail and make an informed decision. 

Redactable: The Top Option For Redaction Tools on the Market

Unleash the power of Redactable - the ultimate PDF redaction tool that revolutionizes how you protect sensitive information. Here are some of the reasons why Redactable is the top choice for securing your documents:

  • Lightning-fast redaction - In just 2.5 minutes, Redactable can permanently redact ten pages of a document - that's 8x faster than manual methods!
  • Master of scanned PDFs - Say goodbye to the frustration of dealing with scanned PDFs. Redactable can easily redact even scanned documents, making it ideal for situations where time is of the essence.
  • Compliant and secure - Redactable guarantees compliance and authentication requirements. You can rest assured that your documents meet regulations and your sensitive information is secure.
  • Permanent redaction - Redactable's unique technology ensures that sensitive information is permanently redacted, leaving no trace behind.
  • Cloud-based convenience - With Redactable's cloud-based system, you can access and use the tool from anywhere. You can work peacefully because the cloud has your documents safely stored.

Features of Redactable:

Some of the features that make Redactable the ultimate solution to your document redaction needs are:

1. With Redactable, setting up is a breeze! Even large organizations can get started quickly and easily.

2. Redactable seamlessly integrates with popular content management systems like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and Box. This means you can use Redactable with the tools you already love and use!

3. Redactable uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and redact sensitive document information automatically. It's lightning-fast, making it easier than ever to scrub your documents for sharing. Plus, you can search for specific terms you want to redact - how cool is that?!

4. With Redactable, collaborating with others on document redaction projects is a breeze. You can get everyone on the same page and work together to achieve your goals.

5. Redactable comes with digital certificates that ensure the authenticity of redacted documents. So, you can trust that your documents are being redacted by a trusted and certified tool.

So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to complicated document redaction processes and try Redactable today!


Redactable offers a range of pricing plans to meet your redaction needs.

  • Pro Plan: The Pro plan allows you to redact up to 40 pages per month for a monthly fee of $39. 
  • Pro Plus Plan: If you need more redactions, the Pro Plus plan may be a better fit, allowing you to redact up to 150 pages per month for a fee of $89. 
  • Enterprise Plan: For larger organizations or teams, the Enterprise Plan offers pricing according to the number of users and pages required to fit your specific needs.

Regardless of your plans, Redactable provides reliable, secure, and efficient redaction software to protect sensitive information. You can also try Redactable for free by signing up on the website. 


Redaction on PDF documents is a critical step in protecting confidential information from prying eyes. Whether you are dealing with personally identifiable information, sensitive financial data, or classified government documents, redaction is required to protect sensitive information.

While manual redaction can be time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient, using a reliable PDF redaction tool like Redactable can streamline the process and ensure that all sensitive information is permanently removed from your documents. 

So why wait? Try Redactable today and experience the relief of knowing your confidential information is safe and secure.

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Try Redactable for free and find out why we're the gold standard for redaction
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